
Showing posts from November, 2012

Jewish-Style Artichokes

Traditional Kosher Jewish-Roman cuisine is still very much alive in the district where it all first started: the Ghetto. It is really worth during a leisurely walk through this district stopping to taste the crispy speciality “Carciofi alla Giudia” (Jewish-Style Artichokes). Here then is the recipe for this truly exquisite dish: Clean artichokes removing the green leaves, cut stalk until reaching its white. Then severe exterior spiralling upwards removing the tough bits. Fry the salted artichokes in a great deal of oil (they should float). Remove after twenty minutes. They should open out like a rose. Place back in pan in the oil on a high flame for a couple of minutes and finally then drain in a holed baking tin. Serve very hot.

EUR Roma

There is a Rome below ground whose existence not many know anything about, that of the “bunkers” or rather underground air raid shelters. Fascist Leader Benito Mussolini had three built: at his private residence of Villa Torlonia, under his office in Piazza Venezia and at Eur (entrance in Piazza Adenauer 8, under Palazzo degli Uffici). One singular detail however distinguished the latter from the other two: it was not specifically made for the Duce, but as an emergency shelter for top officials supervising work on the Universal Exhibition, from which the Eur district got its name but in actual fact never took place because of the war. The shelter, built between 1937 and 1939, is located 32,9 metres below sea level and covers a surface of around 475 square metres. Designed according to the latest air raid shelter criteria of the time, this refuge would have enabled about 300 people to survive there for at least 4 months. The shelter has recently been regularly opened for special e...

Holidays in Italy

Holidays in Italy Offices and Shops are closed all Sundays in Italy. In major tourist areas especially during high season many shops are now open. Here is the list of National Statutory Holidays: JANUARY 1  New Year's Day JANUARY 6  Epiphany EASTER Sunday EASTER  Monday APRIL 25  Liberation Day MAY 1  Labor Day AUGUST 15  Assumption of the Virgin NOVEMBER 1  All Saints Day DECEMBER 8  Day of Immaculate Conception DECEMBER 25  Christmas Day DECEMBER 26  Santo Stefano (Boxing Day) Offices and Shops are also closed in the following cities on the local feast days honoring their patron Saints: APRIL 25  San Marco (VENEZIA) JUNE 24  San Giovanni Battista (FIRENZE, GENOVA, TORINO) JUNE 29  San Pietro e Paolo (ROMA) JULY 15  Santa Rosalia (PALERMO) SEPTEMBER 19  San Gennaro (NAPOLI) OCTOBER 4  San Petronio (BOLOGNA) OCTOBER 30  San Saturnino (CAGLIARI) NOVEMBER 3  San Giusto (T...


A pleasant surprise awaits you in Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta at the top of the Aventino hill, an ace up your sleeve in the event you should wish to impress your fellow-travellers. Just after the Orange Grove (Giardini degli Aranci), the key hole in the gate of the Priorate of the Knights of Malta offers a magnificent furtive peep straight onto St. Peter’s itself. Through this famous keyhole a stunning view may be enjoyed of the Basilica with two rows of the garden’s trees in the foreground providing a natural frame. (thanks to Provincia di Roma)