Abruzzo: L'Aquila

The Province preserves significant natural endowments, including the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, the oldest park in Italy Due to its dimensions, it presents a great variety of customs and traditions, history and dialects, but an underlying thread runs ever through them. Because of such diversity, the people of Avezzano and Sulmona have long expressed their desire for independent provincehood. This is a small story of hope. Abruzzo, L'Aquila and its suburbs was almost destroyed in the night between 5 and 6 April 2009 from an earthquake of unimaginable violence. People, animals, houses and unrepeatable works of art, in 20 terrifying seconds, were deeply affected. These wounds cannot be be erased from the mind but the SOLIDARITY manifested by rescuers, opens a hope that is stronger than the pain. Here's a little story that proves it. The students who were the most affected, trying to retrieve their most important things from houses destroyed. But the building...